By sleeplessinrichmond - 15/09/2013 06:02 - United States - Bronx

Today, the guy on the floor above me decided it was time for a tuba jam session. Apparently optimal tuba time is 2am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 789
You deserved it 2 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tonight, get the biggest speakers you can find and play extremely loud dubstep out of them.

Tuba fair, at least it's not bagpipes. Those really blow.


Maybe they're preparing for the new urban crime wave...Drive by tuba solos.

jw90 18

That's when I plug in my guitar and start playing Thunderstruck to drown out their Beethoven. .

if ya can't beat them join them with louder music he might not like lol

It's Time to begin violin lessons, my friend.

Have a huge ass party from 2am till the sun rises. that'll teach him a lesson.

martin8337 35

Tell him to blow it out his ear/ass.

wyldefyre 5
cookie1207 19

Do you have anythimg against musicians!!!!?

Just smoke a bowl, enjoy the free music gently dancing with your mind, and fall back asleep. ;)