By fml - 02/11/2016 08:45 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, the mall I work at started playing Christmas songs on repeat. It's the beginning of November. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 148
You deserved it 1 262

Same thing different taste

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A few weeks ago I was at a rather large retail chain and saw Christmas decorations right across from the Halloween decorations. Dressing as a homicidal Santa Clause for Halloween briefly crossed my mind.

Having spent a few years working in retail I can confirm this is the most soul destroying part of the run up the Christmas. Because nothing enforces Christmas cheer like playing jingle bells on repeat


They started playing Christmas movies here before Halloween. Every year they start Christmas stuff earlier and earlier.

Wow! Did they just thaw you out? It must be so amazing to be new to this millennium! Welcome! We are happy to have you here! Let me be the first to gently break it to you that this happens every year so if your panties are wadded now, you're going to want to invest in some serious anti-chafe cream because this is the rest of your life.

No one deserves this torture, but you should have expected it if you work in a mall in November. FYL.

That awkward moment when you read this FML in June and immediately get Christmas music stuck in your head... FML