By Guy - 17/10/2015 18:23 - United States - O Fallon

Today, the man who fired me from my job became my stepfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 137
You deserved it 1 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least he can't fire you from being your mom's son.


mds9986 24

He's not OPs boss anymore. Did you read the whole thing?

Okay, I'll be the bad guy: Now instead of disappointing him as employee you can disappoint him as a son. Rarely does someone get fired for being an awesome employee.

amccaul1976 8

hey just be a lazy stepson and mooch off him then when he says 'hey don't you go out and get a job?' you can say 'I did but then my tight ass, ******** boss fired me. Good thing too now I can practice my new hobby, video games.'

christinamarie17 29

Family reunions will be so fun

FML_14u2c 14

Lock him out of the house, at least once. may get your job back maybe talk it over dinner