By o.v. - 16/05/2011 16:04 - Bangladesh

Today, the pipe in the dining room sink suddenly broke open and in about 15 minutes my entire apartment was turned into an indoor swimming pool. The worst part? I was there the entire time, playing video games with my headphones on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 098
You deserved it 47 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put some water jets in your apartment and you got a giant Jacuzzi

yeah there is.. it's called Call of Duty..


Capt_Oblivious 10

As observant as you are be happy it wasn't a fire or you'd be dead.

Were you playing the old Jaws game for the Playstation 2 and when you noticed your house flooding did you shit yourself?

dining room sink, you lost me there haha

let me guess call of duty black ops lol

meteacher 2

i spend my days in total silence just in case a pipe bursts. i hardly breath.

you have a sink in your dining room?

Dining Room sink?!?! Is this something common in Bangladeshi houses?

Yes. People in the subcontinent usually eat with their hands. so it is convenient to have a place to wash your hands before and after meals.