By Tiber46 - 26/05/2013 08:33 - United States - Long Beach

Today, the vet sent me an email wishing my kitten a happy 2nd birthday. My cat died last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 571
You deserved it 4 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

michaelm1290 23

Those things are automated, don't take it personally.

I now declare the cat puns to be unleashed! This will be a catastrophe.


Cats aren't just cats.. When someone has a pet it becomes part of the family, which makes it really upsetting when it passes away.

squideth 18

38 why the **** would you come here just to say something so amazingly insensitive? It's actually ******* disturbing to me that there are people out there who can't empathize with animals. I personally don't trust people like that. Your life must be pretty ******* sad if you both don't care about animals and are okay with making others feel bad for their pets passing away. Miserable.

As an animal lover, I'll kindly ask you to shut the **** up 38.

It's annoying me a little that so many people are condemning OP for "letting" the cat die before it turned 2. Sure, if OP was careless and let it roam, that was shitty of them, but sometimes kittens have congenital illnesses that kill them young. Sometimes they get ill and their internal organs fail before they can get to a vet. Sometimes shit happens. If it was OP's fault, then that's awful, but you don't have enough information to make the judgement. OP could have done everything they could. I'd be devastated if my kitten died and then some insenstitive pricks on FML started blaming me.

I know what you mean we had a cat named Salem when I was a kid she ended up having a litter of kittens we gave all but one the runt away we tried to help him grow with TLC but his lungs weren't growing and he passed away before we could get him to the vet I never cried harder with any other pet because most of them had been grown when they past

You shut your ******* mouth for people like me our pet's are more than pet's they're our babies our friends they get us through the toughest parts of life I know my dog Jesse helped me through my years of torture at school from bullies and how heart broken I was when she past away I have my weenie dog Andy now and I love him just as much as Jesse

I love how I posted basically this same fml last year but didn't make it past moderation

There's nothing funny about dead kittens.

Quiet_one 22

If your cat died at home and you didn't tell the vet, then the medical record just hasn't been updated to show it. I've worked at a vet clinic where this has happened and we sent a vaccine reminder for a dead pet. It's awful and we obviously don't want to do that, but if we don't see an animal for several months and the owner doesn't tell us he or she has died, the most reasonable assumption is that the pet just hasn't had any problems since the last visit. You should call the vet's office to inform them of the mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.

VampTat 10

#38, And you're just a random joe shmo... You are no more special or important than OP's cat was, so who gives a **** what happens to you either? *note, I'm being sarcastic* Don't be an insensitive douche. It shouldn't matter whether the loved one that died was a person or a four legged furry friend, always be respectful.