By FUCKING POWER - 02/11/2013 21:41 - United States - Wixom

Today, there was a power outage at my apartment. I ended up deciding that the power wasn't going to come on any time soon, and that I should go to a hotel for the night. Just after I unpacked at the hotel, my neighbor called to say the power had come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 509
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Same thing happened to me.. Don't feel too bad..

wolfman2123 13

What did u need power so badly for?

You can't live without electricity for one night?? I grew up in a rural area, and power outages were always an adventure. Warm blanket and a good book curled up by candlelight. This one... YDI

I can see we have a lot of tough guys on here who lasted week with power and that's good for you but not everyone is as strong or competent as you, just because you can do it doesn't mean everyone can. I was also like why would you go to a hotel for one night but then what if OP had some work to do that involved his pc/laptop.

middlenamefrank 8

What's the big deal about having no power? Light some candles and read a book, you'll be amazed how relaxing of an evening you'll have. In fact, you should practice tonight by turning everything off.

Well, might as well enjoy your night at the hotel :)

vivalabutterfly 5

get a damn flash light and some balls

why would you go to a hotel? this makes zero sense at all

Who does that? Unless you have someone hooked up to a respirator at your place. Then I get it.

I think you're a bit of a baby. The power going out for one night is not a big deal, you need to toughen up, OP.