By Lio - 12/11/2008 05:25 - France

Today, thinking I was being very generous, I lent my jacket to my new co-worker. I guess I should have checked my pockets before I did, I’m not sure that leaving 3 different flavors of condoms in them made a good impression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 404
You deserved it 105

Top comments

reklamfox 0

The last frame of this cartoon is truly disturbing..


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah next time check your pockets.

RandomPersonOMG 0

YDI so much, for having condoms in your pocket...

Where do you carry your condoms? In your shoes?

best illustration! did anyone notice that one of them is "foamy"? ಠ_ಠ

YellowKettleBell 31

One of the better illustrated ones :)

I know I'm a few years behind, but can somebody send me a link to the illustrated FML? I can't seem to find it :(