By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 00:14 - United States

Today, trying to be romantic, I started giving my boyfriend a neck massage. He gave me a weirded-out look, removed my hand, called me creep, and wouldn't let me touch him for the rest of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 148
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicesprites 4

are you sure he was your boyfriend?

Lol try rubbing something else next time(; or kick it...


ohrlysrsly 0

Are you seriously complaining about this? You have a boyfriend. Whoopdeedoo he doesn't like your massage. This is an awful FML.

franwins0827 7

I've actually known a few guys who just plain don't like their neck touched and feel "weird" or uncomfortable when someone touches their neck. Sucks that he called you a creep - everyone I've known with that issue just told me they don't like it. Try rubbing something else next time. ;-)

strangeling him and massaging his neck are 2 different things..... you know that right?

You come to me, and I'll give him my gf. I'm sure they'll get along great.

mastabata 0
lovepandorasaver 11

Just do the same thing next time he wants to get freaky

om102907 4

I could use a neck massage, that fella is lucky and doesn't know it