By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 00:14 - United States

Today, trying to be romantic, I started giving my boyfriend a neck massage. He gave me a weirded-out look, removed my hand, called me creep, and wouldn't let me touch him for the rest of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 148
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicesprites 4

are you sure he was your boyfriend?

Lol try rubbing something else next time(; or kick it...


How ungrateful! He sounds a bit suss. Maybe gay?

You must suck at Massages... Just saying :D

maybe he was molested by someone like an uncle or a creepy family friend and they massaged his shoulders first.

SuddenStone 1

Maybe next time he could actually speak, and explain why he didn't like it. Instead of being a moron, and just throw insults, followed by a day of pouting !

he was expecting something else like BJ

Were you massaging the front or the back of the neck? Makes a huge ******* difference...... lol

dw it's planned. he's just showing you how it feels when men do that to stupid girlfriends. HOW DOES IT FEEL?

Next time, proofread before posting your stupid generalisation. Your comment makes no sense.

Ah, thank you, I was struggling to sort out any coherent part in this. Now that I know there's none, I won't bother ! :p

Maybe you did it wrong, a bad neck rub is pretty uncomfortable.