By MarkQ95 - 21/07/2013 23:58 - Ireland

Today, trying to flirt with a girl, I was trying to make it out as if I had a great sex life. I got stuck between saying "100% customer satisfaction" and "no complaints" and blurted out "100% customer complaints." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 838
You deserved it 59 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes you think she would be attracted to you if she was under the impression that you ****** herds of ***** with no rhyme or reason?

Infamous_Tora 12

Complaining about how you are too good, right?


Girls are not impressed by sex lives. In fact, guys who sleep around are automatically discarded in a girl's mind. It's not impressive, and it just sounds desperate.

SamanthaNGoree 10

Better than "100% no satisfaction".

Lili_love 14

word of advice, OP: girls don't give a damn if you're ******* everyone. In fact, they'd probably rather not know...

Your first issue is that you have customers.

Why would you boast about something so personal at the start??

Lol, PUA fail. What website did you learn that line from?

You should have just laughed it off. Said that you were just joking. I mess up about what I'm saying all the time and normally if I turn it into a joke or something cute I get my way!

Wow. Grow up and drop the cutesy-nerdy talk.

PieknyCzlowiek 7

Girls dont wanma hear about plowing other girls, at least not normally.