By Lucy - 06/03/2010 22:44 - United States

Today, water turned to wine. That is, my brother put wine in my hamster's water bottle. Very bad idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 992
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrownSugar_fml 5

Hehe that must have been one happy hamster.

perdix 29

Bad idea! Hell, yeah, that's a bad idea! Your drunk hamster will start to do The Hamster Dance and that annoying song will come on. It will get stuck in your head for weeks until it slowly releases its grip on your brain. . . and then it plays again and the torture starts anew!


lmao I'm pretty sure when he found out he came right to fml to post this and didn't take care of his hamster first.. yup.. @_@

Ajjas013 6

How dare you make a Jesus reference and leave out Chuck Norris!

Fminetoo 0

Wow, and i thought it was unique that my dog likes Corona. Today, I learned other peoples pets get to drink alcohol, i thought my German Shepard was unique because it liked Mexican beer. ( Corona) FML

does your dog get high too? my friend had a dog that would drink beer and smoke weed with us and then he would climb up on a chair and sit on his butt like a person! it was a big dog too and you'd just be kicking it there eye to eye with him.

My cat is a stoner dude. Whenever we fire it up she comes running in so we can blow it in her face.

Is the hamster all right? If so, not really a FML.

It is no ones business on what you choose to be your profile picture, but don't be surprised about their conclusion. You say you are not a camwhore, and are not trying to be sexy. And yet here you are taking a picture of yourself with your back arched, your behind sticking baclwards and smiling into the camera. It would be interesting to see what would happen if someone else took the picture while you are trying to be sexy. Having said that, don't worry, it is no ones business but your own.

fknmalory 0

according to manswers ,on spike tv, hamsters are the only animal that cannot get drunk. hahah

haha he prolly got Hella dizzy on his wheel

Actually on Manswers they said a hamster can hold like 8 times the amount of alcohol that a grown man can. So it didn't die.