By Lucy - 06/03/2010 22:44 - United States

Today, water turned to wine. That is, my brother put wine in my hamster's water bottle. Very bad idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 992
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrownSugar_fml 5

Hehe that must have been one happy hamster.

perdix 29

Bad idea! Hell, yeah, that's a bad idea! Your drunk hamster will start to do The Hamster Dance and that annoying song will come on. It will get stuck in your head for weeks until it slowly releases its grip on your brain. . . and then it plays again and the torture starts anew!


Did he stumble into a corner and talk incoherently to his food dish before crying and telling you how much you mean to him? Don't let that one in his ball tonight.

XanimalloverX 0

I used to have a hamster named coconut. he was put to sleep because he had a cancerous tumor blocking his stomach so he couldn't eat

Emilyroxx 3

hamsters getting high. that is somthing that would be intresting to see.

Don't be surprised if one day PETA knocks on your door.

here is a list of punishments for him depending on his age :) 1-4 nothing 5-8 yell at him 8-14 hit him (not hard more of a smack) 15 higher ants in bed or my favourite marbles and mouse traps on the floor and at night say hes cars getting toad so he runs and falls on trap :) have fun!!!!

I would think that could kill such a small animal. Unless he's very young and really doesn't understand such things, I'd have to vote with #115. If he is really young, the cage needs to be out of his reach.

LizParker 0

ur hamster should be fine, they can stand up to like 10 times more alcohol then a human without getting drunk. its still bad for it though, if i knew that happened to my hamster i would take it to the vet just in case.