By redeye - 19/09/2011 05:03 - United States

Today, my younger brother decided it would be funny to put rubbing alcohol in my contact lens case while I had them soaking overnight. I didn't realize this until I put the first one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 678
You deserved it 2 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying not to imagine the pain. Besides your brother not only being a complete idiot and not understanding general knowledge of house hold chemicals, you should introduce him to rubbing alcohol's couson ;hydrogen peroxide on a nice open wound.

Ambush him by placing two mousetraps just below his balls on his bed while he is sleeping, attach the trap to a string, to a pulley in the ceiling, and then finally tape the string to hid eyelids. The trap will go off once he opens his eyes in the morning, sweet ironic revenge


HowAreYouToday 34

You can still see? Even with your "drunk eyes"? :D amazing

Felix_Felicis15 8

Sorry to burst your bubble, 3, but rubbing alcohol isn't the same as drinking alcohol. You can die from ingesting just a little rubbing alcohol.

Helmut Arias Rodriguez 21

I'm trying not to imagine the pain. Besides your brother not only being a complete idiot and not understanding general knowledge of house hold chemicals, you should introduce him to rubbing alcohol's couson ;hydrogen peroxide on a nice open wound.

Hydrogen peroxide isn't that bad. I'd introduce his hand to paint thinner while he's sleeping, just remember to take it out after about 30-45 seconds.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Hydrogen peroxide doesn't hurt. It just looks weird on a wound because it gets all fizzy.

Better yet vinegar or lemon juice on his open wound

Yes I've done this oh the screaming it was so funny

79 - better yet a boot to the f-ing face. Op when you get your bearings beat his ass. I'm the youngest of four boys you can't let him pull that shit.

TritonTheBeast 0

A little child (your victim) placed the alcohol in your monocle am I right dear Pedobear

Ambush him by placing two mousetraps just below his balls on his bed while he is sleeping, attach the trap to a string, to a pulley in the ceiling, and then finally tape the string to hid eyelids. The trap will go off once he opens his eyes in the morning, sweet ironic revenge

BellaBelle_fml 23

I'd hate to be on your 'Hit List'!

Yessssssss, fear me all ye jerks in the world, you won't know how, you won't know when, but when you least expect it, EXPECT IT

I was gonna recommend a swift kick to balls, but your idea works too.

Just sit back, cross your legs on the bed, daintily picking up a coffee cup and sip it in the morning, with a sudden smirk as a loud bellow echoes through the hills. What better way to start the day than coffee in bed, a sweet and hilarious revenge and the view of a million birds scattering from the noise through the hills?

Because doing all that is not going to wake him up

This happened to me once... Jk that sucks your brothers a dick.

Bbhd05 0

You know what else is funny? Punching your brother in the face repeatedly.

salvorican 24

Hmmm.. So this is the part where your brother deserves itching powder in his underwear

olpally 32

Or a paintball gun shot to the nuts... we all have our evil ways of revenge though :D

Such an incredible prank. I am in awe. No wait, that's not a stupid harmless prank at all. You're brother's a douchebag. Smash a rubbing alcohol bottle over his head.