By BlueMouth - 16/12/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, we had company over, and after dinner, I saw a package of gumballs sitting on the table. Figuring my brother had brought them, I took one and bit it. I got a bunch of weird looks. Turns out wasn't a gumball - it was a mini paintball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 784
You deserved it 30 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I see that your face turned blue, but did you also inflate like Violet Beauregarde?

thats what you get for putting your brother's little blue balls in your mouth.....


Maybe you should check next time before you put something in your mouth.

SweetestSin 4

In Red Foreman's famous words "You're a dunmbass"

I went to Canadian tire the other day and saw a 250 pack of little colourful balls, and I thought they were gum balls too, but it confused me why Canadian Tire would be selling them.

perdix 29

From the OP's name, you can tell the colo(u)r was blue. The sad thing is that I suffer from Blue Balls and she eats blue balls! If she would eat mine, then I wouldn't suffer anymore. Oh, the humanity!

LIAR there are no "mini" paintballs. your just too dumb to recognize a regular paintball. What is fun though is to buy a bag of gumballs and hide a few paintballs in it. Then pass the bag around at a party and watch who gets a weird look, who freaks, and who tries to play it off.

They do make 6mm "mini" paintballs so that you can shoot them out of your blowgun or airsoft, it makes playing with the cat more fun.

There are multiple sizes of paintballs dude

Minipaint ball? FAKE. Seriously. Paintballs come in a single standard size. Plus they are the most vile and bitter taste you will ever stick in your mouth. I know this from getting shot in the face and having the stuff go through the grill of my facemask.

ibleedlimegreen 3

Wrong. You're kinda right, .68 cal is "standard size". However there are also .50 cal (completely pointless, why would you want less paint to mark with?) and then there are SplatMasters that i think are more of a .40ish cal. JT makes them but i think they only come in orange. But yeah​ OP probably ate a .68 and paintballs dont taste that bad, ive eaten a hole pod of Valken Graffiti.

How is this an FML? anyone who has been paintballing had a worse experience than that... plus paintballs have a strong smell and are often coated in oil, it is difficult to unknowingly eat a paintball.

who the hell would buy a package of gumballs? and why would that be anyone's first assumption?