By BlueMouth - 16/12/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, we had company over, and after dinner, I saw a package of gumballs sitting on the table. Figuring my brother had brought them, I took one and bit it. I got a bunch of weird looks. Turns out wasn't a gumball - it was a mini paintball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 784
You deserved it 30 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I see that your face turned blue, but did you also inflate like Violet Beauregarde?

thats what you get for putting your brother's little blue balls in your mouth.....


Definitely an MLIA. This really isn't a FYL, I'm sure you were just fine no more than a minute later, if even that.

there are two different sizes of paintballs like someone said already. I've seen the smaller ones used in a shotgun type paintball gun.

Nice observation skills you got thar. I hope your brother doesn't take you paintballing with you. We wouldn't want you eating the ammo.

That would of been hilarious if it exploded in your mouth.

I already did this to my aunt... At work... And the paintball exploded on her shirt:)

fuck_it_right 0

you know why that happend because ur a Dee-Dee-Dee

you are stupid!!! women these days... pffff

grats on being a casual sexist, moron

69_jackson_69 0

When I buy a piece of electronic equipment, it comes with a little packet of translucent balls that says "DO NOT EAT" repeatedly in large, ominous letters, directly on the packet. And I think to myself, "No one sees a random collection of unidentified objects of questionable origin, and starts chowing down." I sit corrected.

Haha. Though I can understand if the paintballs were bright blue blueberry flavored and sitting on the dining table.

glamourhobo 0

I don't really understand how you could mistake a paintball for a gumball, but hey, there's a first for everything...paintballs have little seams on them where both halves of the plastic meet. >.>