By BlueMouth - 16/12/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, we had company over, and after dinner, I saw a package of gumballs sitting on the table. Figuring my brother had brought them, I took one and bit it. I got a bunch of weird looks. Turns out wasn't a gumball - it was a mini paintball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 784
You deserved it 30 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I see that your face turned blue, but did you also inflate like Violet Beauregarde?

thats what you get for putting your brother's little blue balls in your mouth.....


PopRocks14 0

Ugh, same here. My ******* little sister told me it was gumballs so I bit one and I got paint in my mouth. She, "didn't know." I'm still alive.. no side affects XD

thehalfelf 2

That could have been avoided with a little awareness Or maybe you should have made a witty remark

You know, if I were in that situation, I probably would have just eaten it to save myself the embarassment of explaining my mistake :P

Paintballs taste like gross do I know this? I went paintballing and got shot right in the mouth of my mask. Mmmm...yummy.