By quasimodo - 22/02/2010 21:24 - United States

Today, we were drawing self-portraits in school. I'm horrible at art, so I turned to the person next to me and stated that mine looked really ugly. He replied saying, "No, it looks exactly like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 761
You deserved it 6 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kylejandginap 0

did you ever think that maybe he was trying to be nice?


That happened to me once. But I shanked the guy in the eyeball with some crackhead's crack spoon.

cool must try itsometime. Maybe with a heroin needle instead though.

jennacide 0

Wait, you said it looks really ugly and he said no it looks just like you. Wouldn't that mean he is telling you that it isn't ugly? AND since it doesn't look ugly you don't either? So he complimented you darling, be happy. :)

xxAdriixx 0

he said "NO, it looks like you." translation: "no, it is not ugly. and you did a good job."

Okay, lets break this down. The guy said "No", indicating that he didn't find the picture to be ugly. Then, in saying that the picture looked like her, he complimented the OP's artistic ability. Where's the FML? Basically it's the OP's own artistic and physical insecurities that turned this into a situation. Bad show, OP.

WhatANoob 0

Idiot. What if he said it with sarcasm?

maybe he was trying to say it wasn't ugly, it was pretty and it looked just like u. guys are complicated, you have to translate what they say into girl talk

How was that guy saying complicated. Please tell me how more straightfoward could he have been because he was clearly stating that she and her portrait isn't ugly and looks like her.

ur retarded he was obviously disagreeing and saying that it was good

slimm_shadyy 0

He probably didn't mean what you thought he did.