By quasimodo - 22/02/2010 21:24 - United States

Today, we were drawing self-portraits in school. I'm horrible at art, so I turned to the person next to me and stated that mine looked really ugly. He replied saying, "No, it looks exactly like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 758
You deserved it 6 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kylejandginap 0

did you ever think that maybe he was trying to be nice?


orangesodaftw 0

Like 23 said, it depends on the tone of voice used. Though I think that he was trying to pay the OP a compliment.

SeasonedSausage 0

Hell, your drawing probably looks better then you.

KTx 0

Oh no, you sat beside a decent guy. FYL

tomahawkinyouall 0

calm down op he was prolly kidding

EllyH 0

Allright, he acctually said "No" ,so that means "No (not ugly). It looks exactly like you." So, isn't that atleast better? However you may want to find out how good your drawings skills are! ;)

whiskers946 2

he probably wasn't trying to be mean, it was probably supposed to be a compliment

dumbass that's why you ask "was that a compliment?"

Hiropon 0