By DUMMIE - 04/03/2010 00:07 - United States

Today, we were working with infant and adult CPR dummies. After practising flawless CPR on the adult dummy, I announced "And that's how you save someone." Then I tripped on the baby dummy and fell. My co-worker stood up and yelled out, "And that's how you kill a baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 645
You deserved it 30 313

Same thing different taste



kaitmarie_ 0

Too bad it's pretty much impossible to trip over a baby cpr manikin. I'm a CPR Instructor, they weigh like five pounds.

What does weight have to do with tripping over something? You can trip over a piece of string or a pebble if they are in the way.

hahahahahahah that's hilarious jeesus calm down kiddo

Madeleine_ForYou 0

I thought you needed a coat hangar for that? Oh, whoops. Did I just say that out loud? PS It's called a joke, OP. Talk about being oversensitive....

KYTRwerepyre 0

@74 now thats one of the first actually funny comments on this fml!

KYTRwerepyre 0

not a coat hanger a lighter and some harspray! that was out loud too wasnt it? @136 sorry for stealing joke couldnt resist it was hilarious and this 'fml' is funny as! ydi for being a show-off