By sydysyd - 21/11/2010 23:43 - United States

Today, when I got home, I went into my room to find a Bratz doll and a Ken doll laying naked, on top of each other on my bed. Attached to them was a note that stated, "Please use your imagination and find other ways besides porn to get excited. The computer keeps getting viruses. Love, Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 485
You deserved it 54 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom should be happy it's only the computer that "keeps getting viruses". And Ken, that little ****! He's now with a Bratz doll? Wait until Barbie hears about this!

catalystics 2


roflmao!! how old r u for ur mom to say tht to u..

yeahreally 6

o____O!!! use the dolls at the dinner table to make things even more awkward lmfaooooo

Why is it such a shocker when girls admit they like ****? Geez... if it's "normal" for guys to like it, it's normal for girls to. We're all human, folks. Except the dude that made himself look like an idiot up there... tentacle sex turns him on.

iSitt 0

do girls like gay **** as much as guys like lesbian ****?

Not all guys like lesbian ****. Just like not all girls like gay ****. I thought the concept of personal preference would be obvious...

Like Ave Q said... The Internet is for **** the Internet is for **** so grab your dick and double click for ****, ****, **** Good ol' musical theater!