By Anonymous - 21/06/2012 14:52 - United States - Medway

Today, when I told my family I was a vegetarian, I expected them to make fun of me because that's just my family. But what I wasn't expecting was my dad to use raw meat as a puppet and make it say, "Eat me! Eat me!" then throw it at my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 264
You deserved it 7 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drew167 8

Well your father seems rather accepting.

Say EAT THIS!!! And punch him in the face


If i was your father i would have donw the same thing or probably even something more cruel like putting a lot of raw steaks in your bed when you're asleep and let you sleep in them

Tell him you're going to die 6 years earlier from eating that, enjoy ;).

EpicFail1520 16

I tried being a vegetarian once. I missed chicken nuggets too badly.

juhlman 1
LogicalThinking 0

Lol can't get that FG moment out of my head "here Meg, allow me to serve this beef in the matter in which you are accustomed"

drumrgonewild 2

Ur dad sounds fun at parties but i wouldve beat him with that meat

This is the first fml that literally made me laugh out loud. I made this account just to say, congratulations.

uglycrow 5

I'm a vegetarian.. I have been for six years and all I have to say is get use to it.. No one understands that we are sensitive where little living creatures are concerned.. They have no respect for vegetarians or the once living animals that lost their lives to fill ungrateful people's stomachs..

linkinpark98 23

Hey, when you're hungry, you're hungry. I can't see how people can live on plants.

fatalwish 6