By K.S.S. - 17/04/2016 02:24 - United States - Rushville

Today, when I tried to break up with my girlfriend of 2 years, she had no idea we were even dating. She thought of all the movies, dinners, and "sleepovers" I had with her was because we were such great friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 486
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like you dodged a major bullet. I wonder if you would have proposed to her, she would suggest to be married as friends.


baby5757 7

She must be really dumb lol

did she let you kiss her or sleep with her?

This is why guys need to actually ask girls to be their girlfriends

Didn't you ever make out or have sex or say "I love you"?

She probably thought you guys were friends with benefits or something like that.

Either she's lying, or very very stupid. How can you, in all seriousness be that dense for two whole years?

Are you sure she's just not saying that to hurt your feelings? Someone who use to be my friend would totally do this to someone if they broke up with her