By somebody - 08/06/2012 23:13 - United States - Lexington Park

Today, when I was laying in my bed, I looked on the opposite side and saw a spider the size of my palm staring at me. And if that wasn't bad, I found out it hops. I still can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 366
You deserved it 2 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh shit! This is giving me the ******* shudders....

You opened your eyes before you counted to 20 AND you can't even find him? I wouldn't be surprised if he just left, you're the worst hide and seek player ever.


You're brave, looking for it. I would've ran out of my room as soon as I saw it

gators1995 30

I looked up the jumping spiders and yes I would be terrified I crossed paths with one. But they look sick because of the nice patterns they have on their bodies. One also looked like it had spikes around it...

bullshit! "size of palm and cant find it......"

its okay. stay calm, and carefully burn the house down.

Why does it say you live in the US? You obviously live in Nopeville!