By jitterbug - 02/01/2015 05:36 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, when my roommate asked me what was wrong, I told him that something I ate was making me feel sick. He works 10+ hours a day, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that the putrid smell of his feet was making me nauseous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 747
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he would prefer you tell him than let him walk around smelling that badly. He could get fired if it's as bad as you say and customers smell it. Just be polite about it and he'll likely just say thanks and go have a shower.

tossaway2321 5


stuckintime 17

He might of gotten used to his stink and doesn't smell it anymore. He might be embarrassed that he smells that bad but it's better that you tell him than it be some random person or a girl he's trying to pick up.

Public service message for offender: Wear Socks. For offendee: Lysol for shoes, feet, shower, bathroom, house, universe....

That would be awkward for his boss if he fired him ?

@#24 it wouldn't be awkward for the boss to fire him for smelly feet. many jobs require you to be well groomed and presentable. bad body odor is no bueno

I have a friend with smelly feet and she keeps her shoes in her locker at work. Someone left a note asking if she could at least take her socks home. She did it without complaints. No hard feelings. You should do the same. It might be better coming from you than from a workmate.

Yikes, must be wearing the Same socks over again cause my bf works as a laborer for a mine and never came home with his feet smelling that badly even after 12 hours in the hot sun

That he works long hours just makes it easier for you to tell him because it's a readymade excuse - it's not like you're just saying he has horrible feet, even if that is the case. If it was an occasional one off thing then you could ignore it but if it's regular you really should mention it. I'm sure he'd hate for you to constantly suffer and think about behind his back it like that.

Just break it to him gently. It's better to tell him than to let him go around with stinky feet and not know about it! It'll be really embarrassing if someone said it to him in a rude or aggressive way. Spare him and tell him politely now so he won't go through that later.

asdfggg 1

ive had stinky feet and never reuse dirty socks i actually scrub my feet twice in the shower so it has nothing to do with the socks sometimes

No, you tell him, I live with someone who smells like he showers once a year. I have to spray rooms he goes into just so the stink goes away!

cryssycakesx3 22

Unless he never showers or cleans his feet, or the smell is actually coming from his shoes, his feet shouldn't stink at that level. Tell him tactfully, he probably has athletes foot or some kind of infection that could get worse.