By jitterbug - 02/01/2015 05:36 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, when my roommate asked me what was wrong, I told him that something I ate was making me feel sick. He works 10+ hours a day, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that the putrid smell of his feet was making me nauseous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 747
You deserved it 4 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he would prefer you tell him than let him walk around smelling that badly. He could get fired if it's as bad as you say and customers smell it. Just be polite about it and he'll likely just say thanks and go have a shower.

tossaway2321 5


It was nice of you to spare his feelings - FYL for having to put up with that smell, though!

iAmPaul 49

Male and female roommates? That's a first.

It's very nice of you to put your room mates feelings and comfort ahead of your own, but hell, you can't live like that either lady! Maybe you can go about it quietly... Febreeze the shoes in the entrance way, gifts of Gold Bond Foot Powder, minty foot lotion, a foot soak and some antibacterial/odor absorbing socks (they exist, check sporting goods store or a work clothes warehouse) along with some cushioned insoles that absorb odor... at the very least it can help bring it to a more manageable level. If all else fails and his feet still make you want to blow chunks, you have to tell him. You live with the guy, obviously you're close enough to understand. My bf's feel can be absolutely putrid some days. I mentioned it to him because it was making my eyes water, and he said he knew they were stinky and was trying to control it, but hadn't found the right products for him. So I helped him, and now if his feet are vile, I say "holy shit baby, you worked so hard today your feet shit themselves!" and he takes the hint and changes into a fresh pair of socks sprinkled with Gold Bond or sprayed with athlete's foot spray. He knows he worked his ass off, he knows I know he worked his ass off. He also knows his feet stink. Gently tell your room mate, and it might be just the push he needs to get it under control. If they make you ill, they likely aren't impressing anyone else in his life.

nmw404 6

i had that foot smell problem forever. Jusy have a friendly chat and maybe mention how potential matesbkay react. he'll appreciate you being a friend.

I've had this problem with almost every boyfriend I've ever been with. Sometimes you just got to put up with it.

Just be honest and frank with him. Sure he maybe killing himself at work but that doesn't mean he'll just blow up on you or be absolutely devastated at the mention of his foot odor, especially if you are tactful, which I'm sure you would be. I'm sure he would take the news reasonably and make an effort to fix the issue. Only if he responds inappropriatey would I say you have an issue. contrary to #64, I'd bring the issue up straight away, you trying to secretly fix the issue for him kinda says, "hey, you're feet stink, I didn't want to tell you and I also don't think you can fix it so I'm gonna do it for you"

You are either a good person or a shy one.