By Anonymous - 27/07/2016 20:32

By Anonymous - 27/07/2016 20:32
By Anonymous - 27/07/2012 02:55 - United States - Covington
By Anonymous - 15/09/2017 06:00
By Zxz - 08/04/2013 21:51 - Canada
By Anonymous - 05/11/2022 06:00
By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States
By ._. - 05/06/2013 00:08 - United Kingdom - Letchworth
By I'mmessedup - 29/09/2021 22:59
By Anonymous - 02/08/2019 02:00
By teegtwo - 22/07/2014 05:55 - United States
By (-__- ) ( ^.^) - 11/10/2013 21:00 - United States - Minneapolis
Sucks OP!!
Some women don't get horny until they're either on their period or very close to it. It's a weird system we have. Good luck OP!
I can confirm this.
I don't mind blood, that's what showers are for, getting clean.
Well I mean you did choose to get married.... deal with the side affects xD
Maaaaybe you should talk to her about it. Reignite the passion in the relationship? But what would I know. I'm a sponge.
I just love the ending of this comment xD
#12: Um, no; for now, we not only know that he can type, but SEE, too! As for speaking, currently there's no supporting evidence....
You got me, there.
Maybe you should try bringing up sex when you guys can instead of waiting for her to
You could have period sex. There's nothing wrong with it!
Periods stop nothing but a sentence.
Period sex is the best kind of sex.
Then rub it all over your face like war paint!
This is why we don't have him over, as much, anymore.
Period doesn't mean no sexy stuff can happen though. Even if she (or you) isn't comfortable with actual penetration while on her period, you can hug, kiss, stroke, lick, bite,... each other. So many things you could do that would be fun and exciting for both of you! (And honestly, if you've never even though of this because for you sex is only about penis-in-******-stuff, that might explain why she doesn't seem very eager to have sex with you...)
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayThey need the "bullshit" because doing the deed with a dry ****** is no fun.
That's literally what sex is though.
Oh, #59, just wait until you find out about lesbians.
"They don't close the amusement park just 'cos the merry-go-round's broke." - Ron White
Any port in a bloody storm, old chap.
Do you bring it up? Do you have sex, but she never take initiative? Or is it just that she doesn't bring it up and therefore you don't have sex at all? Maybe she's insecure, maybe she doesn't want to have sex, maybe your sexdrive is way higher then hers. Talk to her, it might help. If she only brings it up when she's on her period, when there's no time, when you can't do it, etc, it might be because she doesn't want to, sorry. No matter what reason lies behind it, talk to her!
This definitely. I had that conversation with my fiance recently. He was upset because I rarely initiate sex, so he was feeling unattractive and like I didn't want him. But the truth is we just have different sex drives and I really prefer it when he initiates. So I learned that he really likes it when I initiate, so now I can make an effort to do that more for him. Problem solved! You can't address the problem until you know what it is and both partners are aware of it.
I don't understand. Why can't you have sex when she's on her period?
Earn your red wings, friend.
Some women don't get horny until they're either on their period or very close to it. It's a weird system we have. Good luck OP!
Then why don't you bring it up when she's not on it.