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By Anonymous - 31/07/2017 12:00 - United States - Hurricane

Today, at work, I wanted to scare my best friend, who is also my coworker. Thinking that he was cleaning the women's bathroom, I snuck in and right when I was about to scare him, my store director came out of the stall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 911
You deserved it 3 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What made you think that was a reasonable thing to do?

Don't **** around on shift and you wouldn't have had that happen. Simple problem with a simple solution. Also, what the **** is wrong with you that you think that scaring someone who is cleaning a bathroom- meaning, likely standing on a slippery floor- is a good idea? Even if your prank HAD "succeeded" you'd be posting about how you scared your friend and they fell and cracked their head open on the floor or sink. Or fell and broke their arm or leg. If you couldn't think far enough ahead to consider that, no wonder you couldn't understand that you shouldn't play on your shift.


Don't **** around on shift and you wouldn't have had that happen. Simple problem with a simple solution. Also, what the **** is wrong with you that you think that scaring someone who is cleaning a bathroom- meaning, likely standing on a slippery floor- is a good idea? Even if your prank HAD "succeeded" you'd be posting about how you scared your friend and they fell and cracked their head open on the floor or sink. Or fell and broke their arm or leg. If you couldn't think far enough ahead to consider that, no wonder you couldn't understand that you shouldn't play on your shift.

Damm, why are you so serious holy shit.

Meh45 8

Because something like this can keep someone from getting another job. Not that it will, but it can.

One: it's called a personality. Two: I'm chronically ill and disabled, and there's little that pisses me off more than winding up overtaxed physically because employees were ******* around instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing. Three: One of the things that pisses me off more than the above is when wind up a victim to a prank because someone was ******* around at work trying to prank their friend. Wind up sliding on wet tiles, falling on your back, and having chest pains because some asshole jumps out at you on slippery floors and see how hospitable you are to it.

One: It's called a personality. Two: I'm chronically ill and physically disabled. People ******* around during work means that I wind up spending the next two days bedridden because someone wanted to shoot the shit or show how unathletic they are. Three: Try winding up as a victim to one of these "pranks." See how relaxed you are when you wind up having a black eye, sprained knee, and chest pains that you can't tell if they're from a heart attack or a panic attack because someone did something that was "just a prank." Or seeing your mom slip because some idiot left the floor wet to prank a coworker. In other words, I'm serious because people who mess around at work have caused me health problems and injuries more than once. Whereas if they had done their job, I wouldn't have been in those situations, so yeah, I'm gonna be a bit bitter about this shit.

What made you think that was a reasonable thing to do?

oxker 7

Seems like a pretty high risk low reward situation sneaking into the womens restroom just based on an assumption that your friend was in there cleaning it.

The jokes on you, instead of scaring the shit out of your coworker, your store director ended up scaring the shit out of you!

NataXviaggiare 11

and then you got both scared?!

Burle 17

You didn't wonder why your friend might be cleaning in a stall with the door closed?

tolkien897 15

If their sitting around, it's fine to prank them, but they were cleaning man.

middlenamefrank 8

Hmm...when someone's cleaning a bathroom, don't they generally at least put a sign on the door saying it's being cleaned? And if it's a person of the opposite gender, don't they usually prop the door open so there's no mistake what's going on? I'm having trouble seeing how you could have made that mistake.