By Cantbreath94 - 13/11/2010 06:07 - Canada

Today, while at work, I got a call. They left a voicemail. It was a 7 minute voicemail of the mattress squeaking and my mom screaming my dad's name. I am going to their house for supper tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 626
You deserved it 3 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigphill1333 0

Well I guess your moms a screamer and your dad has skills.

play it back for them lol but WTF why did you listen to all 7 minutes that's just wrong


cdatribe23 0

yummm lol sounds like an appetizing evening with the parentals :D

Even better if someone calls OP while they're eating, and the ringtone changed to herself screaming. Oh, I guess they'd be even ! :)

oreoreo 0

Your Mom: "So honey, how was work today?" You: "Um...interesting." Your Mom: "Really? How so?" You: "You guys called me." Your Mom: "We did? I certainly don't remember calling you at work. Did we leave a message?" You: "Yeah." Your Mom: "Well, don't keep us on the edge of our seats. What did it say?" You: "There was more screaming than there was actual talking." Your Mom:"Screaming? Why on Earth would I be scr--" You: "BECAUSE YOU WERE HAVING SEX!!!" Your Mom: "Oh." long silence Your Dad: "So, how about them Lakers?"

dudeitsdanny 9

I was thinking "how aboot them oilers?" But I don't know if it's hockey season.

awesomesauce8 0

so mom and dad....what did YOU guys do today?

lacejane 0

FYL..I hope you recover from this soon :-)

TheBestManEver 0

There is hardly anything to recover from here, it's not like they saw their parents in the act. Nothing a few drinks cant fix. Also, stop double posting, you posted the exact same thing at the beginning of this FML.

RedPillSucks 31

Nothing a little frontal lobotomy or electroshock therapy can't cure. Sometimes the comment bug causes double posting, or people don't see their comment immediately after refreshing, so they post again. Chill.

Why would you listen to it for 7 minutes? I don't feel bad for you cuz we've all heard our folks having sex. That's why God invented iPods or in ur case, delete buttons....

hahahahahahaahahahahahahhaaha that's ****** hilarious hahahaha why did you listen to the whole thing? are you some kinda sick freak who gets off to that? WTF??

spd2fst4u 5

I think I would play it for them at tge dinner table. lol, who sent the message?