By Cantbreath94 - 13/11/2010 06:07 - Canada

Today, while at work, I got a call. They left a voicemail. It was a 7 minute voicemail of the mattress squeaking and my mom screaming my dad's name. I am going to their house for supper tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 626
You deserved it 3 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigphill1333 0

Well I guess your moms a screamer and your dad has skills.

play it back for them lol but WTF why did you listen to all 7 minutes that's just wrong


luvdacowboys 0

you actually listened to the entire 7 minutes...? were you playing with yourself the whole time... or?

Shit that sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor u FYL

DDs2010 0

omg i feel your pain but seriously why would you listen to your parents going at it for 7mins (something not right there) FYL

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

Wow. that's going 2 b an interesting dinner...

lukethaduke 0

... you listened to your parents get it on for 7 strait minutes.... you had to too know how long the voicemail was yah sick nasty person

3DGprodigy15 0
apinkjar 3

Why would you listen to your parent's having sex for seven minutes straight? I'd be traumatized and would have hung up as soon as I heard the mattress squeaking.

Have some guy talk with your old man. You never know where you will pick up some useful knowledge. He may know a thing or two. It may be very simple and no technique or smooth moves are involved. It may turnout that he is a Neanderthal and your mom likes nothing more than a good hard pounding. Good luck with that chat.