By Cantbreath94 - 13/11/2010 06:07 - Canada

Today, while at work, I got a call. They left a voicemail. It was a 7 minute voicemail of the mattress squeaking and my mom screaming my dad's name. I am going to their house for supper tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 626
You deserved it 3 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigphill1333 0

Well I guess your moms a screamer and your dad has skills.

play it back for them lol but WTF why did you listen to all 7 minutes that's just wrong


Crippla 0

wow!! funny but it's disgusting... at the same time... lol that's a long 7 min voicemail damn! keep up the good work mom and daddy!!! 

RedPillSucks 31

Note to daddy: Take your freaking phone outa your pants before you pound momma

jrgigl 0

how'd you know how long the message was?

spade1997 0

ydi for calling dinner supper

...why did you listen to the while voicemail? I mean, usually that's the only way to tell how long it is..

At least you know your dad isn't a one minute man =)

how would you know how long it was? did you listen to the whole thing?