By Anonymous - 05/08/2012 05:33 - United States - Mahwah

Today, while attempting the Italian Chandelier with my girlfriend, I heard a popping noise, and then had a sharp pain in my dick. Turns out I "broke" it. Instead of calling 911 immediately, my girlfriend remarked how my now black and blue penis looked like a Smurf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 460
You deserved it 6 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DKjazz 20

Hold on, let me go Google "Italian Chandelier".


LMAO! Ok when I first read this I read you had a sharp pain in your neck so im think "agh that sucks!" and then I get down to the bottom and it says your dick is black and blue!! I was like "how the heck did that happen?!". Anyways, just thought that was funny!!! As for your post--I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what this is. I will now go to google, so hopefully I don't do it unknowingly and break my husbands dick! LOL

And the ad at the bottom of my FML app is currently an ad for the Smurfs app! Haha But feel better OP!

linkinpark98 23

I cringed at this.... And I don't even have a penis.

I hope the Italian chandelier was worth it!

sxyandiknowit 4

I'm jut wondering what you were doing wrong?! That position is pretty safe and straightforward in its delivery..... Sucks to be you though! Ice and NSAID's man

kingatowning 2

Turns out boners can break.

Dicks don't have bones. So how on earth did u "break" it?

I'm laughing at the irony of a Smurf ad popping up on my iPod when I clicked to vote.