
By Anonymous - 13/09/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend, who I thought was the one I’d one day marry, didn’t survive her first time meeting the extended family. My parents loved her, but my grandma, great grandma, aunties, and cousins gave her such a hard time that she ran out in tears, jumped on a bus, then broke up with me via text. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments


you should have put a stop to that.

Tell her she'll never have to speak to those people again and mean it. That's the only way you'll ever get her back.



you should have put a stop to that.

Tell her she'll never have to speak to those people again and mean it. That's the only way you'll ever get her back.

Time for you to have a sit-down talk with your relatives because that's bullshit and maybe even considering going low to no contact with some of them until they apologize.