By what_the_hell - 20/06/2013 08:35 - Finland - Helsinki

Today, while bagging my groceries at a store, a lady came over to me, took a good look at the food I'd bought, picked out an item and put it in her bag. When I confronted her, she called security on me and told them I wanted to steal her stuff. I got thrown out and she walked away with a smirk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 871
You deserved it 3 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have them look at the security tapes. That'll clear everything up.


sdahl1113 4

This is one of the best FML's i've ever read! FYL for sure!

What the hell is right. Where the hell are their security cameras.

Normally I don't agree with this, but you might have a good lawsuit against. Might be a stretch to call it wrongful procession being it was security & not police, but still should get something for the "emotional distress." Also you can try to require that the tapes be submitted as evidence in the crime of shoplifting against the lady.

Compare receipts to what's in the bags?!?

OP here. To clarify: In Finland we don't have bagging services or self-checkout lines, the cashier just "beeps" the bar code and lets the customer bag the groceries. The supermarket I was buying food at was undergoing construction work, so it turned out they had shut down their security cams a week ago to be able to build something right in front of the place where cam control room is located, so I couldn't get any help from tapes. Also, it's very common here that the cashier doesn't give a receipt to the customer if "the customer looks like he/she is gonna throw it away right away anyway" (which is kinda wrong of course), which often means when a teen or young adult is buying something. I couldn't imagine a situation like what happened today in my wildest dreams, so of course I didn't specifically ask for a receipt after paying. I guess I was as out of luck as a human being possibly could be. The large piece of meat the lady stole from me wasn't exactly cheap either...

ruchiee 6

What a bitch some people think they are invincible and they run shit! Smh sucks for you OP

lexi365 20
Tez122 6

bench what world u live in??? FYL!!