By questionmark707 - 12/04/2012 23:53 - United States - Fullerton

Today, while driving my car near a farm, I hit a man on the side of the road. I started freaking out and got out of the car to help him. It was then that I found out that I'd hit a scarecrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 337
You deserved it 7 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use your brain next time! You're fortunate enough to have one, unlike Mr. Scarecrow

Hey hey hey, scarecrows are important too! Didn't you learn anything from The Wizard of Oz? He may not have a brain but he has feelings, you know. :|


Were you driving with you're eyes closed??

Were you typing with *your eyes closed?

Michael_92 20

That's the first time I have seen it "you're" instead of "your" I guess there is a first time for everything after all.

You could have hit a person though!! Watch what you do while driving


luckyd880 12

How did you hit something on the side of the road? Texting? Perving elsewhere? Reading a map? Good one....

No, OP. That wasn't a scarecrow! That was a severely emaciated anorexic out for a 7 hour jog. You should be ashamed of yourself! Disclaimer: if you're anorexic, get help. ED's are no joke.

pieceoschmidt 8

Hilarious and yes (at the risk of sounding mundane) you're lucky it wasn't a person, but what were you doing on the side of the road? I live in an area surrounded by farms and no scarecrow I've ever seen has ever been close enough to the road to actually hit without careening through fences and tearing through a field of corn or whatnot. Watch the road why don't you? O__o

pookberry 4

Do NOT read FML while driving. Lesson learned.

This is not an FML!! This is a "Oh my god I am so lucky and I will be so much more careful from now on!"