By Anonymous - 08/08/2012 05:59 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Wellthisishawkward - 14/08/2015 22:40 - United States
By andrea99 - 03/10/2010 09:35 - United States
By questionmark707 - 12/04/2012 23:53 - United States - Fullerton
By nothingisreal69 - 01/03/2011 22:21 - Reserved
Alexa, play "A Forest" by The Cure
By JesusLaidAnEgg - 10/09/2019 14:02
Flying around
By jdancerchick - 16/11/2011 13:47 - United States
Irony at a base level
By danyelicindereli - 29/05/2009 03:41 - United States
By newly passed, newly grassed - 06/12/2014 17:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States
By Anna - 15/06/2012 09:43 - United States - Buellton
Top comments
I bet you recently had a break up where your ex told you that you have a big head? I think your head was so big the owl couldn't avoid it.
Uhhh..well that was a bit out of the blue.
Seinfeld reference. Elaine broke up with a guy who told her she had a big head, and a bird flew into it and a witness said "it was like he saw your head, but he just couldn't avoid it".
Thank you #6 for explaining the reference I red the comment and went "WTF".
it's sad he had to explain his own reference though
I got it right away. But I watch Seinfeld a lot so that could be why. I find that show hilarious. Haha.
Umm ur a loserrr,, lol :p
Owls have better eyesight than humans when it's dark. Maybe it was saving you from something out there :)
D: Oh god no not bender-man :L
Owl you get out of the ditch?
21- or Peter Pettigrew... That guy's creepy *shudders*
Hedwigs a snowy owl but yay Harry Potter reference :)! OP at least you weren't smacked in the face by Eril haha :D
Eril is the Weasley's clumsy owl remember :)? "Some ruddy bird called Eril!" :D
Ahhh damn your right I spelt it wrong >
yay!!!! Harry potter fans!!!!!
It did not say Hedwig was a 'snowy barn owl', the reason being a SNOWY owl is one species and a BARN owl is another - they are separate and do not interbreed. Much more entertaining is the fact snowy owls only come in two colours, white (male) and grey (female). This of course means that the owls used to portray Hedwig, a female, in the films are all male. On a different note, the wingspan of a barn owl is a good meter, so either you have freaking massive windows, it wasn't a barn owl, or at the very least it was not a 'giant barn owl', but rather an awfully small one...
I was going to say the same thing on a Harry potter note. I was going to say he was trying to give you, your letter to attend Hogwarts. Ps owls and barn owls are located in many place. specially north America.
Sounds like someone got accepted into Slytherin!
They use owls to give acceptance letters. Slytherin is full of twats. Naturally their delivery owl would be a twat too, right? That was my joke
I don't really want to
Lol ;)
19- perhaps OP is a weasley, and just enjoys using muggle technology
Hopefully you aren't seriously heart.
Thanks for correcting me :)
I hope so too. It seems like OP and the owl don't get a-lung very well.
69- Yet you just did...
Unlucky doesn't even come close to describe the incident. Sorry for you OP ... I hope you or the owl weren't hurt too badly
Rats! That's quite a hoot, hope owl is fine, flying into a ditch like could leave you in a head spin.
It must have been Pig! He was on his way to Hogwarts that's all! I'm sure Ron will send an apology letter soon. By owl.
Lots of Harry Potter references, I love it!!, maybe it was one of the schools barn owl?
96, you're probably right, he was extremely clumsy!
I'm loving these hp references(: my kind of people!!
Oh that's right! It can't be Pig he's small! Never mind, it was Errol :) Harry Potter all the way!!
heading wanted to give you a message!
I think you meant Hedwig.
Autocorrect strikes again
Did you at least receive your acceptance letter to Hogwarts?
That is one reason why I dislike living in the country. Random critters fly through open windows or jump right out in front of you!

Owls have better eyesight than humans when it's dark. Maybe it was saving you from something out there :)