By Anonymous - 20/09/2015 13:24 - United States

Today, while enjoying a truly epic move from my wife in the hotel shower, I managed to accidentally pull the "grab bar" from the wall and clock her in the side of the head. Three stitches at the Urgent Care later, she's explaining to the entire waiting room how it happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 785
You deserved it 3 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WordBea 23

More like FHL. You got action but she got 3 stitches :(


well her anger is justified. THREE DAMN STITCHES

trellz17 19

gimme a break, I was and still am a bit drunk, shit

lexiieeex3 32

Well it'll be one hell of a story to tell the kids.

"while your mom and I were in the shower bangin, I accidentally punched her in the head!" yeah, totally tell that to the kids...

and you just explained it to us.. isn't it the same thing?

That's what you get for clocking her in the back of her head.

it isn't a FML unless she is pissed... then tell her it is a badge of honor, and make the hotel pay for the bills. You don't have to sue for millions, but they should pick up the tab for the hotel stay, medical bills, and the apology dinner and flowers you buy your wife before she lets you try to "make" it up to her...

She's telling them you got style, a little pain, a little pleasure. Thumbs up, next time have her sign the contract before the contact.

At least this way the doctors know exactly what happened, a lot of people lie because they're embarrassed and it can mess up stuff.