By FatRunner - 05/11/2009 07:41 - New Zealand

Today, while going for my daily run, a woman stopped me and said, "I think it's so great that people of your size are comfortable enough to run and show their bodies in public." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 957
You deserved it 5 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LilKonvicted 0

Wow the worst part is that she probably didnt even realize how much of a bitch she was.


perdix 29

You should have said, "The wives of plumpa humpas don't need to score fresh meat for their husbands. I've already found yours." As you run away, grab your mountainous, dimpled ass cheeks and yell, "He likes this better that your sorry, little, bony ass!"

Kudos to you for finally working out and improving your lifestyle, YDI for eating to excess your whole life.

You have no idea what the OP's lifestyle is like or if she wants to change it. Some people just like to run because they enjoy it. Don't make sweeping generalisations.

wazdog 4

Hmn.. really depends on the way the lady said it. Either way, keep on exercising!

The only thing funnier than seeing a fat person run is seeing a fat person on a bike. I feel so sorry for the bike seat which is never visible as it is swallowed whole and goes places man dare not tread.

Mercy: Pffft, Kirk FTW. Have you seen the video where he teaches how to kiss a woman? Epic.

That's awful... As long as you were dressed appropriately (i.e. a shirt, not just a sports bra, appropriate shorts) then I don't know why she thought that was in any way a nice thing to say, no matter what size you truly are. Keep up the running - good for you!

Mashookies 0

Keep up the good work, OP! Don't listen to the slanderous bitches with cloaked "compliments".

mj2123 0

"Ideal" weight isn't determined by random people on the street. The comment was totally inappropriate - even if she is actually fat, it's extremely rude for a stranger to comment on it.

I congratulate you on your efforts to lose weight. Keep it up, and don't listen to that woman.

Don't you know a compliment when you hear one? Take what you can get. xD Seriously though, keep up the good work. Oh, and be wary of "lose weight quick" schemes.