By SadPuppy - 22/05/2013 07:14 - United States

Today, while grieving over the loss of my Grandpa, I called my girlfriend for comfort. After I had cheered up, she said, "Don't worry, he went to Hell anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 833
You deserved it 3 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful. Some people don't know what to say when others are in pain, maybe, or maybe it was a joke you didn't quite catch and was at an unfortunate time. If she really is being so disrespectful to your grandfather and so careless about your grief, confront her about it. It's not the kind of thing you can just let slide in a relationship.

what possibly made her think that would comfort you... Unless she thinks you're going to hell too?


kaitlynnn95 10

She is so wrong for that! Especially after you were so heartbroken about losing your grandfather.

blackvyper 8

You should have replied: In that case, you can tell him I said hello.

That should make her an immediate ex

LoneBooker88 16

What a meanie!!!!! you need to dump. you need a girl friend who won't bother cracking a joke when your busy feeling really depressed!!

What a heartless bitch. I'd be inclined to get out while you still can.

If OP believed in that sort of thing, then yeah, seeing this might make him feel a little better. But seeing as he didn't, his girlfriend pretty much just insulted his granddad. And that's never nice.