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By Anonymous - 29/08/2011 13:05 - United States

Today, while having a screaming argument with my son in our front yard, I suddenly realized we are "that white trash family" in the neighborhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 326
You deserved it 41 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fmlTGOD 0

Sounds like the only thing you're missing is a piece of shit car and a crack addiction.


tweetypie 18

Umm try not to be so white trash?

Mullets and meth for everybody!!! Break out the good paper plates. Its a celebration!

Real white trash families don't have front yards, now if you said while having a screaming argument with my son out the front of my trailer I would consider you white trash

"You got your sister pregnant? Why you pot bellied son of a bitch."

Did the rest of the trailer park come out to watch you guys argue?

haha literally said that before going to the comments sections.

Hey if you have Smoke Stacks on your truck you can upgrade to "high class, white trash" xD

fmlTGOD 0

Sounds like the only thing you're missing is a piece of shit car and a crack addiction.

dotgov1369 1

Don't you mean a yard filled with piece of shit cars lol

sxe_beast 11

You don't have to have to be poor to be white trash... This is a HUGE misconception. I live in an affluent community and there are some trashy people in our neighborhood. Money doesn't by you class. I mean, look at a lot of celebrities (I don't even have to name names...),

You better not be talking about Charlie sheen

Alexisthebestest 16

This sounds like the making of a great Jerry Springer episode.

sxe_beast 11

Yes I am speaking about Charlie Sheen. I'm also speaking of Lindsay Lohan, Kate Gosselin, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson, Bai Ling, CoCo, Lil Kim, Carmen Electra, Paris Hilton, The Olsen Twins, Shauna Sand, Bret Michaels, The Kardashians, Fantasia, , the cast of The Hills, Chyna, Brittney Spears, Victoria Silvstedt, The Hogans, Traci Bingham, Katie Price, Danny Bonaduce, cast of Jackass, Kid Rock, etc. Yeah... there are a lot of extremely trashy wealthy people.

TheBitchOfChuckN 7
sxe_beast 11

I did forget the cast of The Jersey Shore... There are just too many to name, lol.

For someone who knows about all those people I'm sure you would of noticed that afew of them are actually black? Lil Kim for one.. Defeats the purpose of calling them "white trash"

SOD_sonofdixie 5

no, see now that's where you're wrong.. crack is too expensive.. I think you meant meth... honest mistake

Sacurason 0

No 77, he obviously meant toad.

Damn u put a lot thought into that list....

julz1115 0

You missed all of the "real housewives of NY, Atlanta, New Jersey" and all of the other cities I missed. They have some of the trashiest people ever! Lol one of them even made a song saying "money can't buy you class" and she is the trashiest one yet!

Might want to add Miley Cyrus to that list to.

sxe_beast 11

@ For someone who knows about all those people I'm sure you would of noticed that afew of them are actually black? Lil Kim for one.. Defeats the purpose of calling them "white trash". I wasn't talking about just white trash at that point. I wasn't talking about trashy people in general. Any race can be trashy.

That's not really something you should be proud of.

CaligurlLULU 0

Hahaha I don't know why you have so many thumbs down! I laughed so hard when I read this! And yeah I know it's not something to be proud of ( other comment ) but at least they know it and don't care what others think!

and you're proud of this? you should be ashamed of yourselves. it is people like you that bring down a neighborhood and property value.

Bloodywolf20 9

Hahaha I modded this Thought you were the mom XD

newjerseyguy 0

Just because you got into a yelling match with him doesn't make you white trash

dd809 9

Well doing it in the front yard certainly isn't classy.

MCVelvet1497 3

If you balls aint ashy, you aint classy.

crazychick1269 7

I'm guessing you get into loud arguments in your front lawn?

At least you're famous? For all the wrong reasons but yet, famous? :P

Haha that's what everyone calls my neighbors!!

perdix 29

Were either of you wearing a shirt at the time? If not, you may be a candidate for COPS or Jerry Springer. Otherwise, you're fancy-ass highbrow fops.

s10biker 1
TheRealHouse 7

IKR! It's starting to bother me how many FMLs are "I'm so trashy, fat, pathetic, lazy..etc" These are choices people!!

CaligurlLULU 0

Or they could make a reality show of themselves