By Anonymous - 29/08/2011 13:05 - United States

Today, while having a screaming argument with my son in our front yard, I suddenly realized we are "that white trash family" in the neighborhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 326
You deserved it 41 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fmlTGOD 0

Sounds like the only thing you're missing is a piece of shit car and a crack addiction.


jetsticks 0

You can take the family out of Kentucky.....

Chaos187 6

Eh it's gotta be one family or another right?

The key to your future us what you _do_ with this newfound knowledge...

dotgov1369 1

Maybe they didn't wanna wake the 3 toddlers they had inside

yomommma 6

Jeez.. Why is everyone hating on people that are wealthier than most...go to college... Work hard. Its that simple

At least your son didn't throw anything at you right and besides you might not be the only white trash in the neighborhood

Learn anger management and problem resolution. Also, get off of FML and go apologize to your son. It doesn't matter who's right.