By anon - 03/12/2013 04:26 - United States - Elkhart

Today, while having sex with my husband, we had to move around our cat during position changes. Our cat controls our sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 320
You deserved it 17 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You suck that is animal cruelty I would rather not have a pet than throwing it out of the room

Girlie7 11

Must have been quite a sight for your cat....

rhcpgurl 18

Thats so disgusting why on earth would you have sex with your cat on the bed?

Same with my boyfriend's dog... Usually we just kick her out of the room though.

This is also my first thought. We kick the cats out of the bedroom anyway. That's our room. The cats can have the rest of the apartment.

incoherentrmblr 21

Your cat first control your sex life, you idiot. You refusing to move it is what's controlling it. That day's feelings aren't gonna be hurt if you put it out. People these days don't understand that.