By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 05:56 - Canada

Today, while I was getting it on with my girlfriend I accidentally called out "Mom" instead of her name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 509
You deserved it 44 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if you think about it, everyone's been through thier moms ******, except you did it twice, congrats you sick bastard


xxERINxx 0

that's wrong, incest is disgusting, I think I threw up a little in my mouth

Igor_g5 0

You been ******* your mom or what? How do you call out "mom" during sex?

I've heard ppl call teachers mom.. were u bangin your teacher?

He's not a redneck, just a Newfie. Although I suppose that's just as bad.

Haha I've never heard before of canadians being associated with incest like southerners, but that's good to know. Lmao

Freud would have something to say about that...

GodsOfWrath 0

You think that's bad.. One time I accidently called out "Dad" when I was with my mom!

GodsOfWrath 0

It was just a one-time thing!

pingpongpickle 8

wtf? that's nasty. I hope you're joking