By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 08:35

Today, while I was in the shower, my boyfriend decided to join me. We were really getting into it and he attempted to lift me up. Not only did I let out a massive fart, he slipped and fell on top of me. He won't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 739
You deserved it 10 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how his enjoyment of the failures you two endured is a bad thing. You should be glad that he can make light of this situation. Unless you REALLY wanted the D ;).


Ok, that is a little awkward. But he's probably laughing with you, not at you - he was the one who fell after all! You should be comfortable enough to laugh together about these things :)

At least you didn't fall on the fosset. I cringe at the disaster that would make.

Aren't relationships beautiful? At least he has a good sense of humor

vadaaa 11

Fart in his mouth while hes asleep. See if he still laughs. If he does you're a lucky, lucky gal.

Lionesse 15

Now that's just gross. It wouldn't be funny anymore.

emoshadow47 9

U deserve this... Ladies don't fart

iGottaFindBubbah 12

Don't be embarrassed about it op! With a reaction like that I hope you laughed along with him. Aah, making fun memories :)

Sounds like your boyfriend was a little intoxicated, at least that's how it reads. Hopefully he learned his lesson about shower safety. It doesn't seem like anyone was badly hurt, bruised egos aside. However there was a good deal of intimacy, so I'd consider this a win!

I could see someone feeling more confident to attempt a stunt like that if they were a bit tipsy. And it would also explain the incessant laughter that followed such an embarrassing moment for OP.

showering together is pretty common in relationships. you're sounding very prude, sir or madam.