By busfail - 22/03/2012 18:00 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, while I was on the bus to work, a morbidly obese man sat down next to me. When my stop came and I stood up to get off, he just looked at me, said with a smirk, "good luck with that," and went back to reading his paper. I missed my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 609
You deserved it 2 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddidaddi 0
footballfreak65 6

You should have yelled " oh look they are giving free hotdogs outside"


That happened to me once I said at least I could actually talk to that girl over there without her going "ew" He said "I'm married." My reply was "People cheat you know, just ask your wife."

******* fat people annoy me. Exercise you stupid fukers.

Actually, you should have screamed "dont touch me there you fat ****".

No way in hell i wouldve missed my stop...i would have been ready to fight his fat ass...SERIOUSLY!! (-_-)

Your fault for not elbowing the fat slob.

Yet another example: Dicks come in all sizes!

Should have climbed over him. He did that to himself no. There's no reason to make other people miserable because you are... Smh-_-

tensley5822mom 0

I chose both options because you should have been like "Alright then", and walked over his rolls.

don't downvote me but I honestly don't get it...can someone explain please??