By busfail - 22/03/2012 18:00 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, while I was on the bus to work, a morbidly obese man sat down next to me. When my stop came and I stood up to get off, he just looked at me, said with a smirk, "good luck with that," and went back to reading his paper. I missed my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 609
You deserved it 2 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddidaddi 0
footballfreak65 6

You should have yelled " oh look they are giving free hotdogs outside"


hewro_failure 11

Being morbidly obese is not a disease the person that is morbidly obese is the disease

You deserved it, man. Do you know of manners? " Excuse me please, i need to get through. Thank you " Seems every single comment ( at least those who 'got it' ) is written by rude pricks.

I'm sorry OP but YDI. That guy was a bastard, but he had no right to make you miss your stop. In future, ask him politely to move (don't forget your please and thank you!) and if he still refuses to, do what I did to a bully in sixth grade who wouldn't let me past: literally climb/clamber over him.

I would have stepped on him... Like, "Fine, you wanna play this game? *put knee into approximate location of kidney and twist a bit as I climb over*"

People that are obese because of a medical condition or genetic predisposition (less than 1% of all obese people) should be the most angry with fat people. It is the lazy, overeating bunch that makes you guys look bad. Think about it. 100 years ago people would have looked at you and said: aw that poor girl. Now they see fat people all around and think: own fault, serves her right.

Excuse me? but you people are extremely rude when talking about obese people. While I don't particularly believe obesity is a disease, I do believe genetics play a role. As someone who has struggled with their weight their entire life, I find your comments extremely offensive. Growing up, my mother did everything she could to get my sister and I involved in activities involving exercise and feed us healthy. during Jr. High and high school I joined cross country, swim team and water polo. Yet I was 200 pounds by the time I was 10 years old and was recently up to 360. I had bariatric surgery last week and have lost 24 pounds in 3 weeks so far. I only decided to do the surgery though because of my health. I don't care what people think of me. I've learned not to let it effect me, but do you know how many times I have gotten disgusted looks from other people and been treated badly because of my weight? I am no different than anybody else. I have dreams, I have goals, I've been hurt, i've made mistakes and I've learned from them. I am a human being regardless of my size. I'm sure that each of you has some feature about yourself that you cannot control. How would you like it if people made fun of that feature constantly and considered you to be less of a person because of it? Seriously. what is wrong with you. This is not funny. grow up and learn how to respect people.

charmanderCHAR 5

Um, just a little ******* FYI: "It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.', as if that gives them certain rights; it's actually nothing more.. it's simply a whine. It's no more than a whine. 'I find that offensive' has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that,' well SO ******* WHAT?" Take that quote to heart, and shut the **** up. What, is OFFENDING you going to make you fatter? Make you skinnier? You think you're the only ******* one in the world that has it hard, buddy? WELL YOU'RE NOT.

Thank you, 163, for telling it like it is. Fat people are offended when someone says they're fat? Grow the **** up and look in a mirror. You're not 'heavy set' or 'big-boned' or whatever blah blah you use. You're FAT. Here, I'll make it easy. "My daughter is handicapped and retarded." There. I said the "H" word and the "R" word. I could say that my daughter is "physically disabled and mentally delayed" but that is a longer, more imprecise way of saying she's handicapped and retarded. The problem with all this PC shit is that you can't say what you really mean and everything has asinine 'feel good' labels. What a bunch of bullshit. You can call a snake a rose but guess what? IT IS STILL A SNAKE. So a rose is a rose, a snake is a snake, I'm is retarded and a fatty is a fatty. The end.

You are extremely rude. If you cannot get a simple message across without swearing, maybe you need to take a look at yourself, grow up and learn how to respect other people.

I am a professional writer so I actually make my living by communicating ' simple messages.' And to paraphrase Rex Ryan, Goddamn, I'm pretty ******* good. Maybe you need to take a look in the mirror at your smug, self-righteous, judgemental self and stop disrespecting people. If you don't like bad words, get off the internet. Otherwise, grow up and get over yourself. Ohhh, baby doesn't like bad words. BOO HOO HOO. And we are back to a snake is a snake, a rose is a ros,e an asshole is an asshole and a ******* asshole is a ******* asshole.

charmanderCHAR 5

@200: This is the internet, not a ******* church. If they wanted to censor me, or bankrupt, they wouldn't have let us post. So, kindly, leave, or keep your snide comments to yourself.

I'm a professional writer as well and I'm not saying you don't have a right to say what you want. I was stating my beliefs that are based off of my experiences. Everything happens for a reason and what goes around comes around. Just wait until somebody makes generalizations about you.

You write garbage. And by 'professional writer' I mean that I make my living exclusively by writing for real 'for profit' publications, not blogging, self-publishing, and all the other crap that separate real pros from the pseudo pros. And yes, if you knew my real name, you WOULD recognize it.

you are the one who writes garbage. I at least write things that are admirable and respectable that I can be proud of. I'm currently in the process of publishing a novel. You don't know me. so who are you to judge me? Live one day in my life and then say the crap that you've posted on this website. I could honestly care less who you, but I will say that I feel sorry for you and I'll pray for you. i won't be posting on here again so there's no use responding.

Also, you could have just said "excuse me please" He is a person just like you. It was wrong of him to make that comment but you don't know where he was coming from. Had you said excuse me politely and you still missed your stop, so what. yes, it's a hassle but it's not the end of the world and it won't matter a week from now or a year from now.

Why would the OP give a flying **** where the fat bastard was coming from? The fat bastard blocked the OP from leaving the bus. I don't care if the fat bastard had the worst day ever, you DO NOT stop people from leaving the bus. You're OK with the fat bastard dumping on the OP because he may have had a bad day (boo hoo) but how do you know where the OP is 'coming from?" Really, you're just an idiot. Give up. Complete strangers are seeing how stupid you are and are laughing at you.

Yeah a swift nutshot woulda fixed that

joncole 6

Man u shoulda walkin on his fat ass

I would have kicked his fat ass off the seat.