By who_could_it_be - 06/08/2009 13:35 - Canada

Today, while I was walking downtown a homeless person asked me for a dollar. I thought it would be funny to wave the dollar in his face and taunt him. I guess he thought it would be funny to stab me in the leg with a pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 559
You deserved it 570 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are a pompous bastard. You deserved a knife, not a pencil.


you're the reason "the soloist" was made. at the begining of the movie they explain how actually treating a homeless person like a person, can do more than some spare change. huge YDI.

No, it's called "Revenge", not Karma. Learn your english definitions properly instead of misusing them in an improper manner.

torn_bandages 0

... humanity has just become the WORST possible species to be born into. When that gets infected, I hope the hobo randomly gets an urge to giggle his ass off.

WTF_its_emmy 0

yeah dat was meann ; YDT biq time.

you should've reported him for assault...xD

No, he didn't "think it would be funny". He just thought you were an asshole. He was right.

You got anymore pencils? I'll take a stab! You ass. Ass! I was homeless for almost a year because of a fire in my building! What the hell is wrong with you?