By anonymous - 20/12/2010 11:23

Today, while I was walking home from work, it started to rain. Clutching my bag in one hand, I started to run so I wouldn't get too wet. I saw a man running towards me and all of a sudden he tackled me to the ground. He thought I had stolen someone's handbag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 113
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's exactly how I met my wife. Tackling chicks still works like it did during caveman times. Guaranteed.

ownitx3 0

some of us don't like to come home dripping wet, excuse her for having common sense.


GotALife 11

Dude wow like F Your Life....a man bet you down for a bag. SMH

Today, while on my way home, I saw someone running with a handbag in their hand. I though it had been stolen so I tackled her. Turns out it was hers.FML

If you’re a guy with a ... what are they called European hand bags? (The sissy little man purses) then YDI in fact after he found out it was your bag he should have drop kicked you in the throat. If however you’re women then I think you would be justified in gouging out one of his eyes.

lemonypower 6

NoOOo it is called a satchel and Indiana jones has one.

He was just trying to rid the world of crime. Maybe you resembled a man that would steal purses?

at least he thought he was stopping crime! (was it batman?)

They're* Lol, I had to nitpick that one. Excuse me while I go read my dictionary and thesaurus.

Its assault and battery. Press charges.