By anonymous - 20/12/2010 11:23

Today, while I was walking home from work, it started to rain. Clutching my bag in one hand, I started to run so I wouldn't get too wet. I saw a man running towards me and all of a sudden he tackled me to the ground. He thought I had stolen someone's handbag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 113
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's exactly how I met my wife. Tackling chicks still works like it did during caveman times. Guaranteed.

ownitx3 0

some of us don't like to come home dripping wet, excuse her for having common sense.


RedPillSucks 31

Agree with #48. Unless he actually saw you steal a purse, or heard someone yell "stop! thief!", he should have minded his own ******* business. OP, next time, check the weather report and bring an umbrella.

varkey 7
zoezoe06 0

this sounds fake or youre leaving something out...

hcovballer247 0
theonlysweetpea 10

#48, #51 Totally right. I'd beat the hell out of him!

You actually get more wet when you run.

Better call a lawyer! I hear you can get a million bucks for something like that. How does your neck feel?