By anonymous - 20/12/2010 11:23

Today, while I was walking home from work, it started to rain. Clutching my bag in one hand, I started to run so I wouldn't get too wet. I saw a man running towards me and all of a sudden he tackled me to the ground. He thought I had stolen someone's handbag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 113
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's exactly how I met my wife. Tackling chicks still works like it did during caveman times. Guaranteed.

ownitx3 0

some of us don't like to come home dripping wet, excuse her for having common sense.


Sunsbeenkind 0

At least you know that there are people out there willing to tackle strangers to help one woman regain her purse...

Running doesn't keep you from getting wet. Its been proven that you will be equally as wet as someone who walks.

Yeah, that's true, but maybe OP just wanted to be out of the rain faster? xD


" So I wouldn't get wet"? You were in the rain, dude. You're not going to somehow miraculously Dodge the waterdrops, no matter HOW fast you're running.

He tackled you because he thought you stole a handbag? Unless someone was running behind you, waving their arms frantically and/or pointing at you, I do not see what on earth made him think you were stealing. I don't know why, but it sounds like he tackled you for no good reason, or because he was angry. I will not be surprised if he lied about the whole misunderstanding because people DO get tackled and/or randomly attacked by strangers on the streets these days. I heard about it before and how the attacker will run off afterward.

ArielTheMermaid 17

on mythbusters they proved that running through he rain gets you more wet anyway

catharsis5 9

He's a good guy, I hope you guys had a good laugh about this. If it were me I would befriend the guy.