By DieTrying - 02/02/2012 09:31 - United States

Today, while in bed with my fiancée, I asked her to take off her pants so we could get it on. She said, "No, I don't feel like squeezing into them again." I was cockblocked by a pair of jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 269
You deserved it 5 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justfienne 12

Cut a hole in the crotch, then she'll never have to take them off.

I will NEVER understand women and fashion. Squeezing yourselves into jeans just to make your ass look good, contorting your feet into high heels just to make your legs look good, shoving yourselves into push-up bras just to make your boobs look good... Actually, forget what I just said. Keep doing all those things, please. You know, for fashion.


Did she have jeans on her head as well? Simple solutions!!!

and u coulndt just of unzippered her zipper?!

TexasRandi 1

U deserve it for telling her you wanted to "get it in" what happened to romance or even being a big boy & saying wanna f#?k??

Time to get a new fiancée. If its like that already its just going to get worse!

TKello 6

Should've reminded her that having sex burns calories, thus helps to make pants loose.

Tell her to buy bigger pants if she doesn't want to have to squeeze into them... Or just stop eating all the junk food.

Give her money to go shopping "for a more comfortable pair of jeans," in exchange for sexy time. Does she take offense to the idea of prostitution? Either way, she should get a pair she enjoys more or learn to love good ol' pjs!

Thts ok, I have been cockblocked by a guy who wasnt even in the same house. And I was dating her..

Those pants will come off eventually, wait for your opportunity and get in there.